Interprocess documentation
Hi, could someone please give a hint where to find the interprocess documentation? seems to be broken, also as given in doc/html/interprocess.html from the current svn trunk does not work. thanks, Stefan
Stefan Funck wrote:
could someone please give a hint where to find the interprocess documentation? seems to be broken, also as given in doc/html/interprocess.html from the current svn trunk does not work. is online again. I don't know if trunk documentation is being automaticaly generated, though. Regards, Ion
Ion Gaztañaga wrote:
Stefan Funck wrote:
could someone please give a hint where to find the interprocess documentation? seems to be broken, also as given in doc/html/interprocess.html from the current svn trunk does not work. is online again. I don't know if trunk documentation is being automaticaly generated, though.
The trunk documentation can be built from the jamfile.v2 in the libs/interprocess/doc directory. The output goes to the libs/interprocess/doc/html directory. The link in the documentation page for all libraries for trunk points to libs/interprocess/index.html. This redirects to doc/html/interprcoess.html. The latter redirects to which does not exist, instead of going back to libs/interprocess/doc/html/index.html, which does exist after the documentation is built using the jamfile specified above. Perhaps this should be fixed so after the end-user build the documentation, the link in the overall documentation brings him eventually to libs/interprocess/doc/html/index.html.
participants (3)
Edward Diener
Ion Gaztañaga
Stefan Funck