Re: [Boost-users] [Repost][Boost][Serialization] ASSERTtriggered during reading 1.40 binary archive w/ Boost 1.47

De la part de Pfligersdorffer, Christian
We were facing similar problems jumping from 1.36 to 1.45. Binary archive backwards compatibility is broken in a few places.
But: it is fixable. We may provide a patch
Thanks Christian for your reply to this annoying issue. If you confirm that the backward compatibility is broken for Boost.Serialization #1.40 to #1.47 then *Yes* I would really appreciate any king of patch to address this issue. Looking the Boost.Serialization code, my first feeling would be to patch the implementation of basic_binary_iarchive::load_override(class_id_type & t, int version) for the library_version_type(5) ('5' stands for the library version for the release #1.40) but maybe this patch is too naïve and insufficient. If you can send me back a patch for this issue, I'll use it ASAP.
is there a TRAK ticket?
I'm not sure but the ticket #5567 ( seems to address this bug. Thanks in advance and best regards, Marc Viala
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