[boost-users][serialization]Linking time problems with a class hierarchy

Currently we are having a class hierarchy consisting of 50+ class definitions (all descendants of one class) along with some assistant structures; the typical you would expect from a 'real' application, and this base is growing each day. We are serializing and deserializing objects from these classes in a kind of client-server application. Everything works fine (testing on both linux and windows platform using gcc 4.4.1), however we are experiencing a rather weird issue. It started quite some time ago, but only starting to get really annoying nowadays: the compile and linking time of the projects that uses these classes are starting to get ridiculous and we could trace this back to serialization. As usual for polymorphic archives, we are using the BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID macro for creating the necessary singletons for the class definitions. To narrow down the problem we have tried the following checks: 1.) If we comment out all the BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID macros, the problem is gone, linking and compiling time is reduced to some seconds, the length of the executable and the object files are 'normal', but of course the serialization doesn't work. If I put the macros back, the compiling of the source file that contains them skyrockets to 2-3 minutes, also the linking time to around the same time on a Core2Duo 2 GHz machine, and the length of the object file (and thus the executable) goes from several hundred Kbs to 15+ Mb-s. (A bit varied values on the same code depending if it is linux or windows, but the same behaviour nonetheless.) 2.) We have tried to mess around with the number of macros running, and it seems the increase of the compile time is linear, linking time is more like exponential. 3.) We have tried to 'clean' the class structure and reduced the members in the classes to only some basic booleans and integers (even purged the std::string-s), in most classes completely eliminating all members just let the 'skeleton' there, and still: no significant change in compile and linking time. 4.) We have tried to do all this is in a 'clean' project with only a "void main() {}" method and the class hierarchy, to ensure that not somehow the usage of it causes the problem: negative, the problem still exists. Now it is not a great problem that the compile is so slow, as that causes a problem only when the class hierarchy is changed. Also the executable size is only a bit irritating, but not a serious problem. However the linking time is something we need to solve asap, as it is hindering our development a lot, especially as this class hierarchy is used in several applications (naturally, we wouldn't need serialization otherwise), thus the linking problem affects all of them. (And this will be worse later, as the class hierarchy is growing each day.) Any ideas about how to go on from here? Is there any way I can change the BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID macro to a more simple? effective? one? Or maybe all this is normal and we have to live with it? (This is a strongly reduced snippet on how we are using the polymorphic serialization with boost_1_42, but as I mentioned, it is working nicely: class Mess { private: friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & messageId; } protected: int messageId; public: (...) }; class CMess : public Mess { private: friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & boost::serialization::base_object<Mess>(*this); ar & cma; } protected: int cma; (...) }; (...) BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID(CMess, "CMess") Thanks for reading it!

Laszlo Orban wrote:
Currently we are having a class hierarchy consisting of 50+ class definitions (all descendants of one class) along with some assistant structures; the typical you would expect from a 'real' application, and this base is growing each day. We are serializing and deserializing objects from these classes in a kind of client-server application. Everything works fine (testing on both linux and windows platform using gcc 4.4.1), however we are experiencing a rather weird issue. It started quite some time ago, but only starting to get really annoying nowadays: the compile and linking time of the projects that uses these classes are starting to get ridiculous and we could trace this back to serialization. As usual for polymorphic archives, we are using the BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID macro for creating the necessary singletons for the class definitions. To narrow down the problem we have tried the following checks:
1.) If we comment out all the BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID macros, the problem is gone, linking and compiling time is reduced to some seconds, the length of the executable and the object files are 'normal', but of course the serialization doesn't work. If I put the macros back, the compiling of the source file that contains them skyrockets to 2-3 minutes, also the linking time to around the same time on a Core2Duo 2 GHz machine, and the length of the object file (and thus the executable) goes from several hundred Kbs to 15+ Mb-s. (A bit varied values on the same code depending if it is linux or windows, but the same behaviour nonetheless.)
2.) We have tried to mess around with the number of macros running, and it seems the increase of the compile time is linear, linking time is more like exponential.
3.) We have tried to 'clean' the class structure and reduced the members in the classes to only some basic booleans and integers (even purged the std::string-s), in most classes completely eliminating all members just let the 'skeleton' there, and still: no significant change in compile and linking time.
4.) We have tried to do all this is in a 'clean' project with only a "void main() {}" method and the class hierarchy, to ensure that not somehow the usage of it causes the problem: negative, the problem still exists.
Now it is not a great problem that the compile is so slow, as that causes a problem only when the class hierarchy is changed. Also the executable size is only a bit irritating, but not a serious problem. However the linking time is something we need to solve asap, as it is hindering our development a lot, especially as this class hierarchy is used in several applications (naturally, we wouldn't need serialization otherwise), thus the linking problem affects all of them. (And this will be worse later, as the class hierarchy is growing each day.)
Any ideas about how to go on from here? Is there any way I can change the BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID macro to a more simple? effective? one? Or maybe all this is normal and we have to live with it?
(This is a strongly reduced snippet on how we are using the polymorphic serialization with boost_1_42, but as I mentioned, it is working nicely: class Mess { private: friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & messageId; }
protected: int messageId;
public: (...) };
class CMess : public Mess { private: friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & boost::serialization::base_object<Mess>(*this); ar & cma; }
protected: int cma; (...) }; (...) BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID(CMess, "CMess")
Thanks for reading it!
Thanks for writing it!
I can't really "solve" the problem without having the whole project
to experiment on. But I can offer some suggestions. This is actually
better as all I have to do is talk rather than doing any actual work. So
here are some ideas to try.
a) Consider recoding your class to avoid inline functions, like this:
#include ... // don't include any ?archive classes !!!!
class CMess : public Mess
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version);
int cma;
participants (2)
Laszlo Orban
Robert Ramey