one of our customers wants us to compile a native Windows x64 build of our application. As we are using a lot of C++0x code, we are forced to use a Win64 port of gcc 4.x/MinGW (http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/) instead of the regular Visual Studio 8 x64 compiler.
Unfortunately building boost with mingw-w64 fails.
This is the build log:
warning: Graph library does not contain optional GraphML reader.
note: to enable GraphML support, set EXPAT_INCLUDE and EXPAT_LIBPATH to the
note: directories containing the Expat headers and libraries, respectively.
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Note: Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information
Note: this is a strictly optional feature.
Skipping build of: ./install <build>no in common properties
Skipping build of: ./install <build>no in common properties
Skipping build of: ./install <build>no in common properties
Skipping build of: ./install <build>no in common properties
...skipped libboost_system-mgw44-mt-1_37.lib(clean) for lack of error_code.o...
...skipped libboost_system-mgw44-mt-1_37.lib for lack of error_code.o...
...skipped libboost_system-mgw44-mt-1_37.lib for lack of libboost_system-mgw44-mt-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_system-mgw44-mt.lib for lack of libboost_system-mgw44-mt-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_system-mgw44-1_37.lib(clean) for lack of error_code.o...
...skipped libboost_system-mgw44-1_37.lib for lack of error_code.o...
...skipped libboost_system-mgw44-1_37.lib for lack of libboost_system-mgw44-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_system-mgw44.lib for lack of libboost_system-mgw44-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_date_time-mgw44-mt-1_37.lib(clean) for lack of greg_month.o...
...skipped libboost_date_time-mgw44-mt-1_37.lib for lack of greg_month.o...
...skipped libboost_date_time-mgw44-mt-1_37.lib for lack of libboost_date_time-mgw44-mt-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_date_time-mgw44-mt.lib for lack of libboost_date_time-mgw44-mt-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_math_tr1f-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_math_tr1f-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_math_tr1l-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_math_tr1l-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_math_c99-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_math_c99-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_math_c99f-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_math_c99f-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_math_c99l-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_math_c99l-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_program_options-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_program_options-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_serialization-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_serialization-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_wserialization-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_wserialization-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_signals-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_signals-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_prg_exec_monitor-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_prg_exec_monitor-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_unit_test_framework-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_unit_test_framework-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_thread-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_thread-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_wave-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib(clean) for lack of instantiate_cpp_exprgrammar.o...
...skipped libboost_wave-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib for lack of instantiate_cpp_exprgrammar.o...
...skipped libboost_wave-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib for lack of libboost_wave-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...skipped libboost_wave-mgw44-mt-d.lib for lack of libboost_wave-mgw44-mt-d-1_37.lib...
...failed updating 2436 targets...
Skipping build of: ./headers <build>no in common properties
Skipping build of: ./headers <build>no in common properties
Skipping build of: ./headers <build>no in common properties
Skipping build of: ./headers <build>no in common properties
warning: Graph library does not contain optional GraphML reader.
note: to enable GraphML support, set EXPAT_INCLUDE and EXPAT_LIBPATH to the
note: directories containing the Expat headers and libraries, respectively.
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Note: Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information
Note: this is a strictly optional feature.
Skipping build of: ./build_all <build>no in common properties
Skipping build of: ./build_all <build>no in common properties
Skipping build of: ./build_all <build>no in common properties
Skipping build of: ./build_all <build>no in common properties
This is our build batch file. mingwvars simply adds the MinGW-w64/bin folder to the Path envionment variable.
call mingwvars
bjam --toolset=gcc --prefix=.\build\mingw-x64 --without-mpi --without-python --build-type=complete -address-model=64 install
bjam --toolset=gcc --prefix=.\build\mingw-x64 --without-mpi --without-python --build-type=complete -address-model=64 clean
rd /s /q .\bin.v2
What did we do wrong?