[BGL, Graph] add_vertex with specific ctor
I like the named parameter method to define graph properties, so all
our properties are concentrated in a struct. But, I'd like add a
vertex with specific properties are already defined:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
On Nov 21, 2005, at 8:31 AM, Johan Oudinet wrote:
I like the named parameter method to define graph properties, so all our properties are concentrated in a struct. But, I'd like add a vertex with specific properties are already defined: [snip] People n ("toto", 26); v = add_vertex (g); // this use the default ctor of People, a add_vertex(g, n) g[v] = n; // will be more efficiently (avoid a People assignment)
You should be able to write: v = add_vertex(n, g); Doug
On 11/21/05, Doug Gregor
On Nov 21, 2005, at 8:31 AM, Johan Oudinet wrote:
I like the named parameter method to define graph properties, so all our properties are concentrated in a struct. But, I'd like add a vertex with specific properties are already defined: [snip] People n ("toto", 26); v = add_vertex (g); // this use the default ctor of People, a add_vertex(g, n) g[v] = n; // will be more efficiently (avoid a People assignment)
You should be able to write:
v = add_vertex(n, g);
Yes, thanks (I got it just after posting my question... sorry). Just if someone else find a way to use struct for properties without default ctor, there is add_vertex (np, g) and add_edge(u, v, ep, g). I found it in the BGL book. Regards, -- Johan
participants (2)
Doug Gregor
Johan Oudinet