Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble with boost::regexp and locales, even trying to change it makes the program fail.
Can anybody help?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <locale>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
string regexp, text;
if( argc != 3 ) {
} else {
regexp = argv[1];
text = argv[2];
cout << "regexp: " << regexp << endl;
cout << "text: " << text << endl;
regex re(regexp,regex_constants::perl);
smatch match;
if(regex_match(text, match, re)) {
cout << "MATCH" << endl;
for(smatch::const_iterator i = match.begin(); i != match.end(); ++i) {
cout << i->str() << endl;
} else {
cout << "NO match" << endl;
./testre '\w' "é"
Program terminated with signal 8, Arithmetic exception.
#0 0xb7ea0883 in boost::re_detail::perl_matcher<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator, std::allocator > >, boost::regex_traits >::construct_init ()
from /usr/lib/libboost_regex-gcc-mt-1_33_1.so.1.33.1
(gdb) bt
#0 0xb7ea0883 in boost::re_detail::perl_matcher<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator, std::allocator > >, boost::regex_traits >::construct_init ()
from /usr/lib/libboost_regex-gcc-mt-1_33_1.so.1.33.1
#1 0x08049ea9 in perl_matcher (this=0xbf806c24, first={_M_current = 0x804c02c "é"}, end=
{_M_current = 0x804c02d ""}, what=@0xbf806d20, e=@0xbf806d3c,
f=boost::regex_constants::match_default, b={_M_current = 0x804c02c "é"})
at /usr/include/boost/regex/v4/perl_matcher_common.hpp:44
#2 0x08049f27 in boost::regex_match<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator, std::allocator > >, char, boost::regex_traits > (first=
{_M_current = 0x804c02c "é"}, last={_M_current = 0x804c02d ""}, m=@0xbf806d20,
e=@0xbf806d3c, flags=boost::regex_constants::match_default)
at /usr/include/boost/regex/v4/regex_match.hpp:42
#3 0x08049fd3 in boost::regex_match > >, char, boost::regex_traits > (s=@0xbf806d44, m=@0xbf806d20, e=@0xbf806d3c,
at /usr/include/boost/regex/v4/regex_match.hpp:75
#4 0x0804926b in main (argc=3, argv=0xbf806df4) at testre.cpp:25
Pedro Larroy Tovar, pedro at larroy dot com | http://pedro.larroy.com/
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