cannot compile serialization library

Hi, I'm using the borland 5.6.4 compiler on a Win2k platform. For compiling the serialization lib i followed the hint given in the "Release Notes" to use spirit 1.6x I chdir-ed into the serialization\build directory and called: bjam -sTOOLS=borland -sBCCROOT=C:\Programme\Borland\CBuilder6 -sSPIRIT_ROOT=K:\spirit161 bcc32 tells me (rougly translated): borland-C++-action ..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\serialization\build\ libboost_serialization.lib\borland\debug\xml_grammar.obj K:\boost_1_32_0\libs\serialization\build\../src/xml_grammar.cpp: Error E2209 K:\spirit161\boost/spirit/core/basics.hpp 19: \ include-File 'boost/mpl/apply_if.hpp' could not be opened *** 1 Error ... *** "C:\Programme\Borland\CBuilder6\bin\bcc32" -j5 -g255 -q -c -P -w -Ve -Vx -a8 -b- -DBOOST_TEST_NO_AUTO_LINK=1 -v -Od -vi- -tWC -tWR -tWC -WM- -w-8080 -w-8071 -w-8057 -w-8001 -I"..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\serialization\build" -I"K:\spirit161" -I"C:\Programme\Borland\CBuilder6\include" -I"K:\boost_1_32_0" -o"..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\serialization\build\libboost_serialization.lib\ borland\debug\xml_grammar.obj" "K:\boost_1_32_0\libs\serialization\build\../src/xml_grammar.cpp" He's right, there is no apply_if.hpp in the mpl library any more. How can i get the library compiled ? -- Thanks for boost ! Kay ________________________________________________________________ Verschicken Sie romantische, coole und witzige Bilder per SMS! Jetzt neu bei WEB.DE FreeMail:

" Kay Erik Münch " wrote:
I'm using the borland 5.6.4 compiler on a Win2k platform. For compiling the serialization lib i followed the hint given in the "Release Notes" to use spirit 1.6x
bcc32 tells me (rougly translated):
'boost/mpl/apply_if.hpp' could not be opened
It is because Spirit 1.6 expects old MPL interface (Boost <= 1.31). You may copy MPL (the whole directory) from 1.31 into 1.32 tree. It is possible there will be/already is patch for Spirit 1.6. /Pavel

Pavel Vozenilek writes:
" Kay Erik Münch " wrote:
I'm using the borland 5.6.4 compiler on a Win2k platform. For compiling the serialization lib i followed the hint given in the "Release Notes" to use spirit 1.6x
bcc32 tells me (rougly translated):
'boost/mpl/apply_if.hpp' could not be opened
It is because Spirit 1.6 expects old MPL interface (Boost <= 1.31).
You may copy MPL (the whole directory) from 1.31 into 1.32 tree.
Won't work.
It is possible there will be/already is patch for Spirit 1.6.
Sort of -- -- Aleksey Gurtovoy MetaCommunications Engineering

Kay Erik Münch writes:
Hi, I'm using the borland 5.6.4 compiler on a Win2k platform. For compiling the serialization lib i followed the hint given in the "Release Notes" to use spirit 1.6x
I chdir-ed into the serialization\build directory and called: bjam -sTOOLS=borland -sBCCROOT=C:\Programme\Borland\CBuilder6 -sSPIRIT_ROOT=K:\spirit161
bcc32 tells me (rougly translated):
[snip errors]
He's right, there is no apply_if.hpp in the mpl library any more. How can i get the library compiled ?
You need to get the latest Spirit 1.6.x directly from the Boost CVS repository ("SPIRIT_1_6" branch). Or simply get rid of the include locally (it's not used anywhere in Spirit). HTH, -- Aleksey Gurtovoy MetaCommunications Engineering
participants (3)
"Kay Erik Münch"
Aleksey Gurtovoy
Pavel Vozenilek