Hi, Robert
2012/12/10 Robert Jones
I was disappointed to discover that I can't write
range | filtered( some_predicate ) | sliced( n, m ) | .....
because sliced requires a random access range, and filtered produces a forward range!
It seems such a useful and obvious use-case. Is this restriction really necessary?
Thx, Rob.
I think this spec is unnecessity restriction. My OvenToBoost's "taken" and "dropped" adaptors requirement is SinglePassRange. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1682460/git/OvenToBoost/libs/range/doc/html/range_ex... http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1682460/git/OvenToBoost/libs/range/doc/html/range_ex... I can write follow: range | filtered(some_predicate) | dropped(n) | taken(m) This extension is now proposing to Boost.Range. I think "sliced" adaptor should be same requirements.
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