3 Jul
3 Jul
10:42 p.m.
On 1/07/2016 01:09, Oliver Kowalke wrote:
yes, it's stable - but coroutine is deprecated in favour of coroutine2
Unless you don't have access to a C++14 compiler :P Although on that note: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_61_0/ states that Coroutine2 is a C++14 library. http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_61_0/libs/coroutine2/doc/html/coroutine2/ove... states that Coroutine2 is a C++11 library. Which of these is true? It also might be nice if the Overview (or other similar location) in Coroutine2 talks about the deprecation and/or what's different between the two libraries.