Great! Thanks for the precision. Seems to be working now indeed, except for a bunch of failing tests in the regression suits. Is there a final report for the test suit? I just see that some work, and other failed :/


2016-08-16 16:09 GMT+01:00 Juraj Ivančić <>:
On 16-Aug-16 13:37, Matthieu Brucher wrote:

As I need a build of Python3 compatible with VS2012, I built it from
scratch and installed it in a _INSTALL folder, following a tutorial online.
Now, I want to use that Python3 with Boost.Python, so I did this in my
using python : 3.4 : D:/Tools/Python-3.4.5/_INSTALL/python.exe :
D:/Tools/Python-3.4.5/_INSTALL/include :
D:/Tools/Python-3.4.5/_INSTALL/libs ;

And then:

.\bootstrap.bat --with-python=D:\Tools\Python-3.4.5\_INSTALL
--with-python-version=3.4 --python-buildid=3
which failed.

bootstrap.bat is used to bootstrap Boost.Build. Unless you're planning to use Python Port of Boost.Build (and it seems that you're not - it has nothing to do with Boost.Python and is not officially supported anyway) then just run bootstrap.bat without parameters. It doesn't really matter which MSVC toolset bootstrap.bat detects, as long as it produces working b2.exe.

Once you have it replace the call above by replacing bootstrap.bat with b2.exe.

The includes are found properly, but the link is floawed:

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'python34.lib'

The library is in D:/Tools/Python-3.4.5/_INSTALL/libs, but could not be
found according to the log.
Also, something strange:
D:\Tools\boost_1_60_0\tools\build\src\engine>.\bootstrap\jam0 -f
build.jam --toolset=vc14 "--toolset-root=C:\Program Files
(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\..\..\VC\ "
--with-python=D:\Tools\Python-3.4.5\_INSTALL --with-python-version=3.4

The retrieved toolset is wrong, as explicitely asked for VS2012 aka 11.0
int he user-config.jam and I'm running it from a VS2012 x64 native tools
command prompt.

Couldn't find any help online, so the best is to ask the Boost community!

user-config.jam only comes into play with b2, it is not used by bootstrap.

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Information System Engineer, Ph.D.