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On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 20:05:32 +0100
Olivier Tournaire
OK. So, right now, nothing to acceess the parsed JSON structure. Am I right?
I'm almost done with read-only access. ATM a mutable accessor would be a bit more complex to implement.
Yes, I like this kind of STL-like access.
On second thought, I've decided I don't like the STL-like access, because it's dangerous, and/or requires boilerplate code to make nested calls (such as js["results"]["artworkUrl100"]) safe. Instead, I've written a simple Boost.Proto DSEL for access, so accessing the node in question would look like: std::cout << (js/"results"/"artworkUrl100") << std::endl; std::cout << (js/1/4) << std::endl; The json_ir operator/ takes a proto expression and returns a proto terminal. The proto DSEL's expression wrapper has an operator utree and streamable ops. Instead of throwing or seg faulting on a failed chain access (for example, if there was no "results" member), this method of access will always return a utree; if a failure occurs, an invalid_type utree node is returned.
std::cout << js.get
("results.artworkUrl100") << std::endl;
There is no need to do this; as mentioned above, code that requires checking (aka code that code fail or throw) is undesirable. I have no intention of emulating what I view as property tree's failures. The js object's accessor would return a utree node, and the utree class does have a get method, but it is not advisable to use it. It is safer to write a visitor class, because such a class will fail to compile if you do not have a default case (aka `template<class T> result_type operator() (T) const { ... }') or handle every possibility in the visitor. Also, utree is streamable, and has a number of sane operator overloads (for example, arithmetic operators are overloaded so that you can do math with utree arithmetic nodes. Probably, we should overload operator+ for strings or something).
And what about an access via index:
As I mentioned in my follow up email (and in the above example), this will be possible. I suspect to have a complete prototype by the end of the day. Major dependencies: Spirit, MPL, Fusion, Proto, Multi-Index, Variant. - -- Bryce Lelbach aka wash boost-spirit.com -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAk0jKFkACgkQ9cB/V3/s9EyjngCeM1eBUhaJTwzBfdLiggWnAp+l wZEAnj66yv93w7n+QhUQaIntf+FiFW66 =k2jk -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----