"David Abrahams"
I'm having problems compiling the code below with boost_1_30_2 and VC71 complaining about:
...\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\include\xutility(489) : error C2665: 'std::_Distance2' : none of the 4 overloads can convert parameter 4 from type 'std::iterator_traits<_Iter>::iterator_category' with [ _Iter=CDictionary::tVarConstItr ] ...
Replacing with std::distance( lBeg.base(), lItr.base() ) does compile
work properly. Am I missing something in the typedef of tVarConstItr
and that
would allow direct usage?
No, you've got the order of the parameters to indirect_iterator_generator wrong.
Thanks for spotting that. I entered them in the order listed in the Template Parameters table rather than in the order specified in the Synopsis in the documentation.
I suggest you let the library defaults take effect instead.
typedef boost::indirect_iterator_generator < tVars::const_iterator , tVar const
::type tVarConstItr;
typedef boost::indirect_iterator_generator < tVars::const_iterator , tVar ::iterator_category
::type tVarItr;
But you'll have a bigger problem. IIRC the version of iterator adaptors in 1.30.2 doesn't support indirect iterators over shared_ptr. Go ahead and try it, but if you have trouble you may want to switch to the (much easier-to-use) version of the library in the CVS, which explicitly *does* support that usage.
Explicitly specifying all template parameters is what allows 1.30.2 to work with shared_ptr's. I'm far from smart enough to figure this out on my own, and took this tack based on one of your responses that I found doing a search on relevant topics. I gather that the new iterator adaptors will not have these issues. Will they be in 1.31.0 recently brought up by Beman? Thanks again, -- Jeff Flinn Applied Dynamics, International