On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 4:10 PM, Michael Powell
wrote: I'm not sure what you're shooting for.
Doesn't the last "broader picture" paragraph help explain?
When I'm approaching signals/slots or any sort of event driven system, I generally treat that
"that" == ?
as a single event, with 2+ connections, events being handled but each subscriber.
i.e. your first connection handles the double value; the second connection would accept a double, and convert it to int to pass it along to another int-based method
The 2+ methods (of ComboSlot) corresponds to entirely independent events. The event driven system fires them separately on separate code paths. The system fires as many of any of these in any order and count. The only invariant I want to impose is that they are always connected (or unconnected) in groups. I.e. there is no allowed scenario where a event1 is handled but event2 isn't, and both events are handled by the same underlying handler (ComboSlot). Again, is my "broader picture" example useful in anyway? Thanks Nick