does anyone have a tip, how this problem could be solved?
Maybe the boost.MSM developer/maintainer (Christophe Henry) has some suggestions....
Thanks so far.
You're at the max of what gcc on Windows offers ;-) Seriously, you have to simplify your machine. 8 submachines are really hard, plus 44 events, it's already a wonder the compiler survives. You might be building the God pattern as a fsm. What I suggest: - replace submachines by orthogonal regions where you can - reduce your number of events. Events are where the biggest costs come from. Use some event hierarchy + guards to differentiate or maybe some events for serveral similar tasks and differentiate with guards. Sometimes, some data passed in the event suffices. - you can try favor_compile_time. It has limitations but it will compile faster, and on more TUs, which will help - if none of this help, there is still the last ultimate trick ;-) : force instantiation of process_event calls for some events on different TUs by defining the fsm in a header but making the process_event calls in different .cpp. Ok, this is really as a last resort... - maybe, simply breaking your fsm into different classes behind interfaces with smaller fsms would be advisable. It'll also make it easier to understand. HTH, Christophe