Thomas Lemaire wrote:
looking at http://www.meta-comm.com/engineering/boost/1_32_0_draft/ it seems that uBlas bindings to LAPACK, ATLAS,... are not included in the 1.32 release, but it has been annouced on this list that they would be... Am I wrong ? What happened ?
I am afraid that you are wrong. As far as can remember, it has never ``been annouced on this list that they would be'' ``included in the 1.32 release''. Bindings are a separate library from uBLAS. They are not complete (although they can be used) and therefore they were never proposed for the Boost formal review. And, as Paul Baxter said is his reply, ``bindings haven't changed for a while'' (except for a few bug fixes) and they probably are not ``in sync with the latest ublas''. Karl and Toon are involved in ublas, and I don't have much time (even to check whether some ublas interface changes affected bindings). Regards, fres PS. `1.34' in subject line is probably a typo, but maybe in version 1.34 ... ;o)