"Michael Powell"
I'm not 100% positive, I downloaded stale source and/or binary build of boost 1.55, supposedly, but I am finding that tickets which were reported to have been included in that version are not in the build.
and with reported fixes:
That ticket was created after 1.55 was released. "Version: Boost 1.55.0" means that the reported problem is in that version. Also, the suggested code was rejected and the ticket was closed with "wontfix". The developer suggested to define _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to solve the problem.
What with the Git submodule advances, could it be Git submodule(s) were not updated or something along those lines? Any thoughts? Recommendations where to find a reliable 1.55 build?
Git wasn't used for 1.55. Regards, Niklas Angare