Hello !
Is there a way a to read more than one graph from a .graphml file using read_graphml ?
Here's what I tried:
-open an input stream to the graphml file;
-call a function to read the graph from the file (the function uses read_graphml) and print the graph to stdout;
-call the same function again, hoping that the second graph from the file will be read;
-close the file input stream.
If I call the function once, it works fine and returns the first graph defined in the graphml file.
If I call the function the twice, I get the following runtime exception:
'boost::exception_detail::clone_implboost::property_tree::ptree_bad_path >'
what(): No such node (graphml)
The graphml file looks like this :
<key id= ...key definitions...>
<graph id="TestSite1" edgedefault="undirected">
<node id="node0"> <data key="map">map1</data> <data key="x">5.0</data> <data key="y">1.0</data> </node>
<node id="node1"> <data key="map">map1</data> <data key="x">5.0</data> <data key="y">4.0</data> </node> <edge source="node0" target="node1"/>
<graph id="TestSite2" edgedefault="undirected">
<node id="node0"> <data key="map">map3</data>
<data key="x">6.0</data> <data
key="y">2.0</data> </node>
<node id="node1"> <data key="map">map4</data>
<data key="x">7.0</data> <data
key="y">9.0</data> </node> <edge source="node0" target="node1"/>
I can correctly get the data of TestSite1 graph if I call the function once.
How can I get the TestSite2 graph from the same file, or, for that matter, how can I get one specific graph (ex TestSiteN) ?
Thanx for any help,