Hi list,
I'm using boost.msm from the boost 1.52 library and trying to fire an event
from a composite state to enter a state of a top level state machine.
Unfortunatly this doesn't work.
Please consider here for the following code:
namespace {
namespace msm = boost::msm;
namespace msmf = boost::msm::front;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
// ----- Events
struct Event1 {};
struct Event2 {};
struct EventSub1 {};
struct EventSub2 {};
// ----- State machine
struct OuterSm_:msmf::state_machine_def
struct State1_:msmf::state_machine_def
void on_entry(Event const&, Fsm&) const {
std::cout << "State1::on_entry()" << std::endl;
void on_exit(Event const&, Fsm&) const {
std::cout << "State1::on_exit()" << std::endl;
struct SubState1:msmf::state<> {
void on_entry(Event const&, Fsm& fsm) const {
std::cout << "SubState1::on_entry()" << std::endl;
std::cout << "SubState1::fire event2()" << std::endl;
fsm.process_event(Event2()); // Produces an assertion ->
It is not possible to leave the submachine although the "Event2()" is
defined as transition in the transition table of the outermachine.
void on_exit(Event const&, Fsm&) const {
std::cout << "SubState1::on_exit()" << std::endl;
struct SubState2:msmf::state<> {
void on_entry(Event const&, Fsm& a) const {
std::cout << "SubState2::on_entry()" << std::endl;
void on_exit(Event const&, Fsm&) const {
std::cout << "SubState2::on_exit()" << std::endl;
struct Exit1:msmf::exit_pseudo_statemsmf::none {};
// Set initial state
typedef mpl::vector<SubState1> initial_state;
// Transition table
struct transition_table:mpl::vector<
// Start Event Next Action Guard
msmf::Row < SubState1, EventSub1, SubState2, msmf::none,
msmf::none >
// Is there a possibility in MSM to exit a composite state if
an event is fired from that
// msmf::Row < SubState1, Event2, Exit1, msmf::none,
msmf::none > I don't want this!
> {};
struct State2:msmf::state<>
void on_entry(Event const&, Fsm&) const {
std::cout << "State2::on_entry()" << std::endl;
void on_exit(Event const&, Fsm&) const {
std::cout << "State2::on_exit()" << std::endl;
void operator()(Event const&, Fsm& f, SourceState&,
TargetState&) const
std::cout << "Do function" << std::endl;
typedef msm::back::state_machine State1;
// Set initial state
typedef State1 initial_state;
// Transition table
struct transition_table:mpl::vector<
// Start Event Next Action Guard
msmf::Row < State1, Event2, State2, State2, msmf::none
> {};
// Pick a back-end
typedef msm::back::state_machine Osm;
void test()
Osm osm;
// osm.process_event(Event2()); // This works fine -> Leaving state
"Substate1" of the submachine
int main()
return 0;
You see that the code calls f*sm.process_event(Event2())* within the state
*SubState1* of the submachine to make a transition from the top-level state
*State1* to *State2* of the outer statemachine. Unfortunately this doesn't
work although the *Event2* is defined in the transition table of the
On the other hand it a transition from *State1* to state *State2* works in
case the event *Event2* is fired outside the submachine ( please refer to
the void test() function in the code above).
I actually don't want to define a transition in the transition table of
submachine to enter an pseudo exit point like:
msmf::Row < SubState1, Event2, Exit1, msmf::none, msmf::none >
Is there a possibility in MSM to exit a composite state if an event is fired
from that composite state?
Thank you in advance for your time and help!
Grüße ;),
View this message in context: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/Boost-MSM-Exit-a-composite-state-after-an...
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