Hi Corinna, I have been busy trying to load your picture but some internals of the tiff reader doesn't allow for that right now. Hopefully I can fix soon.
I'm just downloading the latest boost version (am using 1.42 at the moment which doesn't seem to have the cymk16161688_image_t you refer to) and will try out your suggestion.
You have to build such image type. Here is how you do it: typedef bit_aligned_image5_type< 16, 16, 16, 8, 8, cmyka_layout_t
::type image_t;
And this is almost certainly an RTFM question but how does one know which input image type to use? If you had a moment to point me in the right direction or to jot down an elegant code snippet to get me on the right track for reading different flavours of TIFF files I'd be eternally grateful ...
You could use a dynamic_image. See the dynamic_image extension. Regards, Christian