Peter Barker wrote:
I wonder if anyone can give me the rationale behind boost::multi_index's assignment operator having the following precondition:
That meant to say boost::multi_array like the subject does!
I can't see the logic for requiring the assigned-to object to have the same shape as the RHS object - surely the array is being discarded and being made a copy of RHS?
It had something to with concepts initially. It later turned more into a "communication issue". People seem to get very upset about the assignment operator of boost::multi_array, and write long emotional texts why it is completely wrong the way it is. But when Ronald Garcia suggested how he could change boost::multi_array, they didn't even care to give any feedback at all.
Perhaps I misremember things and should have searched the archives before answering you, but the "Anyone" suggests to me that you want to get at least any reaction/feedback to your question. Regards, Thomas