Our product uses many third-party libraries, all built for 32 bits. On a couple platforms we still support users with 32-bit systems. We build our Boost libraries with address-model=32, which has so far worked (for the subset of libraries we use) even on 64-bit build systems. Now we would like to introduce Boost.Context. However, address-model=32 --with-context causes the Boost build to break on Mac OS X. Indeed, the Requirements page [0] for Boost.Context says: "Please note that address-model=64 must be given to bjam command line on 64bit Windows (boost-build issue)." Does the same boost-build issue affect Mac OS X? Is there a workaround for this boost-build issue? I don't think we can integrate Boost.Context any time soon if it would require converting everything to 64 bits. [0] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_51_0/libs/context/doc/html/context/requireme...