Daniel Lidström
Now to my problem: A PxyPoint is a sub class to DataObject, and PxyFileData::GetPoints() returns a DataObject where all the children are PxyPoint's. Now I would like to call a member function, PxyPoint::PutSpCode(const char*), on each of the children, like this:
void put_sp_code(DataObject&, const char*);
void test() { shared_ptr<PxyFileData> file(...);
DataObject& points = file->GetPoints(); put_sp_code(points, "spcode"); }
void put_sp_code(DataObject& points, const char* code) { std::for_each(points.begin(), points.end(), std::bind2nd(std::mem_fun(&PxyPoint::PutSpCode), code));
If PutSpCode is a virtual function on DataObjects, it's easy.
// Using Boost.Bind because the standard binders are too tricky for
// me to get right (untested);
std::for_each(points.begin(), points.end(),
boost::bind(&DataObject::PutSpCode, _1, code));
Otherwise I don't think you could reasonably expect anything like this
to work without a cast. You'd need to create a function object with a
cast in it:
// using Boost.Lambda (untested)
std::for_each(points.begin(), points.end(),
Is this possible with our design? I would like to be able to do this without having to create a PxyPointList, that derives from DataObject and only stores PxyPoint's (my guess is that something like that would work with this code).
I can't tell for sure, but this has all the markings of a design that's trying to use runtime polymorphism where it should be using compile-time polymorphism, in some form or other. BTW, what does any of this have to do with iterator_facade? -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com