1 Apr
1 Apr
2:04 a.m.
Sebastian Weber wrote:
boost::transform(funcVec, bll::bind(&fusion::invoke<>, _1, args));
However, this does not work - the bind complains about unresolved overloaded function type. So, what is wrong here?
Extracting function pointer from function template is difficult. In this case, it seems even impossible. BTW, Boost.Egg: http://p-stade.sourceforge.net/boost/libs/egg/ supports "fusing", which turns function into one taking a FusionSequence. // \f -> fuse(f)(args) lazy(lazy(fuse)(bll::_1))(args) Or, this might be more readable. // \f -> apply(fuse(f), args) lazy(apply)(lazy(fuse)(bll::_1), args) Regards, -- Shunsuke Sogame