Aleksey Gurtovoy
I think you can see why I'd like a type list iterator solution to this.
Try this:
struct do_something { do_something( BASE* base ) : m_base( base ) {}
template< typename T > void operator()( mpl::identity<T> ) const { if ( T* x = dynamic_cast< T* >( this->m_base ) ) some_function( x ); }
BASE* m_base; };
mpl::for_each< mpl::vector , mpl::make_identity<_1> >( do_something( base ) );
In this case you test for all the derived types, even if you match the first one, so it's not identical. It would probably be nice of us to create a for_each_if() or until() function that stops when the function object returns true. I'm pretty sure I've needed something like that before... Oh yeah, the FSM example could probably benefit from it! A lot! -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting