> Thanks for reply,
> All classes a, b, c and d are actually defined within one dll (one
> module). I forgot to mention it.
> I can do this following thing:
> d* pD = mew d();
> and then
> ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("item", pD);
> but
> c* pD = new D();
> ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("item", pD);
> does not work at all! It throws this strange type of exceptions which
> I cannot handle at all.
This should work if d is exported BOOST_SERIALIZATION_EXPORT(d)

> Another problem is that if I do the first version the member m_key
> variable of true_type in the call
> const boost::serialization::extended_type_info * true_type =
>                 i.get_derived_extended_type_info(t);
again This should work if d is exported BOOST_SERIALIZATION_EXPORT(d)
Robert Ramey