Hello all .
i am a newbie to the boost community . i recently started learning about threads in boost . now there are some questions i would like to ask :
1.where can i find examples showing practical uses of boost::thread features?
2.how can i get all threads ID issued by me in my app?
3.how can i iterate through running threads in my app ?
4.is there any kind of means to get all the running threads using boost library? if it does whats the calss? if it doesnt how can i do that?
5.can i resume a thread after pausing it ? ( how can i pause a thread? )
6. how can i share a variable between two or more threads , suppose i have a loop , i want two threads to simultaneously iterate through it , if thread1 counted to 3, thread2 continues it from 4 and so on . ?
i already tried 
what is wrong with my sample app ?
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

mutex bmutex;
int i=0;
int sum=0;
void IteratorFunc(int threadid)
             for (  ; i<25 ; i++)
                    lock_guard<mutex> locker(bmutex);

int main()
    //boost::posix_time::ptime start = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();

    thread thrd(IteratorFunc,1);
    thread thrd2(IteratorFunc,2);
Thank you in advance