On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 3:45 PM, Jerry Jeremiah
At http://www.boost.org/community/review_schedule.html there is a link for the yet to be reviewed Boost Lexer library. It points to http://boost- consulting.com/vault/index.php? action=downloadfile&filename=boost.lexer.zip&directory=Strings%20-%20Text% 20Processing but the directory it goes to has no file that is obviously the Boost Lexer library. Has it been moved somewhere else? Is there somewhere else I could get it from?
Also (unrelated) why isn't Boost 1.44 in the table under "Past Review Results and Milestones"? I would have expected it since the Noost releases prior to that are listed there.
Boost already has a Lexer library (Boost.Spirit.Lex) with both static and dynamic table generation, what does this lexer library do in comparison?