On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 5:13 AM, Nathan Ridge wrote:
Here's how you might do such a thing (untested):
Hi Nathan
That may be untested, but basically worked as is! All I had to do was
adjust the
access on equal(), increment() & dereference() and it worked perfectly.
Full code attached, built with Boost 1.47 and gcc-4.6.2, many thanks.
#include <iostream>
struct Thing { Thing( char c ) : c( c ) { } char c; };
std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream & ostrm, const Thing & thing ) {
return ostrm << thing.c; }
struct ThingFeed
ThingFeed( const char * thing_values ) : m_current_value( thing_values
) { }
Thing * getNextThing( ) { return * m_current_value ? new Thing( *
m_current_value ++ ) : 0; }
const char * m_current_value;
struct ThingIterator : public boost::iterator_facade
ThingIterator(ThingFeed& feed, Thing* cur = NULL) : m_feed(feed),
m_cur(cur) {}
bool equal(const ThingIterator& other) const { return m_cur ==
other.m_cur; }
void increment() { m_cur = m_feed.getNextThing(); }
Thing& dereference() const { return *m_cur; }
ThingFeed& m_feed;
Thing* m_cur;
class ThingRange : public boost::iterator_range<ThingIterator>
ThingRange(ThingFeed& feed)
: boost::iterator_range<ThingIterator>(
ThingIterator(feed, feed.getNextThing()),
void printThing( const Thing & thing ) { std::cout << thing << "\n"; }
bool thingFilter( const Thing & thing ) { return thing.c != 'c'; }
int main( )
ThingFeed feed( "abcd" );
boost::for_each( ThingRange(feed) | boost::adaptors::filtered(
thingFilter ), printThing );