here my compile problem using phoenix (for use with spirit):
template<typename ActionsT>
struct tag_keyword_action
struct result {
typedef void type;
explicit tag_keyword_action( const ActionsT& action )
: action( action )
{ }
void operator()( const ScanT& scan,
const Iter1T& bgn, const Iter2T& end ) const
action.on_tag( // the real action / assign class
std::string( bgn, end ), scan.first.get_position().line );
const ActionsT& action;
template<typename ActionsT>
struct ver_parser
typedef ::phoenix::function<
> keyword_tag_type;
explicit ver_parser( const ActionsT& action )
: tag_keyword( action )
{ }
template <typename ScannerT>
operator()(const ScannerT& scan, result_t& result) const
rule_t rule
= lexeme_d[
][tag_keyword( var( scan ), arg1, arg2 )]
const keyword_tag_type tag_keyword;
template <typename ActionsT = parse_actions,
typename ErrorHandlerT = parse_error_handler>
struct grammar :
sp::grammar< grammar >
explicit grammar(const ActionsT& actions = ActionsT(),
const ErrorHandlerT& handler = ErrorHandlerT())
: actions( actions ),
error_handler( handler )
{ }
template <typename ScannerT>
struct definition
explicit definition( const grammar& self )
: ver_p( self.actions )
const sp::functor_parser<
ver_parser<ActionsT> > ver_p;
The (beautified) error message is:
error: no matching function for call to
::functor_parser(const parse_actions&)'
candidates are:
boost::spirit::functor_parser<FunctorT>::functor_parser(const FunctorT&)
[with FunctorT = ver_parser]
boost::spirit::functor_parser<FunctorT>::functor_parser() [with FunctorT
= ver_parser]
boost::spirit::functor_parser >&)
What is the correct syntax, is this way a good choice? I want to tag the
keyword in the given data files with their lines to display them in a
browser later.