Using lambda::var is a good trick. I usually used this:
bind(ref, x)
It works, but I always find it kind a ugly.
Thanks for the pointer :)
--- Pada Rab, 1/12/10, Robert Jones menulis:
Dari: Robert Jones
Judul: Re: [Boost-users] Writing an inline nullary function object?
Tanggal: Rabu, 1 Desember, 2010, 4:22 PM
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Eric MALENFANT wrote:
De : Robert Jones
How can I write an inline nullary function object, returning a fixed
value? The equivalent of this...
int x = 4;
int f( ) { return x; }
boost::function g = f;
but without defining the intermediate f()?
I thought this might work...
boost::function g = bind(bind(apply<int>(), _1 ), x );
With Lambda, you could write:
boost::function g = boost::lambda::constant(4);
or, if you want to refer to a variable, and have g() return the *current* value of that variable:
int i = 4;
boost::function g = boost::lambda::var(i);
assert(g() == 4);
i = 5;
(assert(g() == 5);
I'm not aware of something equivalent for Bind, however.
Eric, many thanks for that - I just about got there on my own, but it's good
to have it confirmed, especially that there's no Bind equivalent. I've now found the
line the Lambda docs which says,
"In sum, var(x) creates a nullary lambda
which stores a reference to the variable x.
When the lambda functor is invoked, a reference to x
is returned."
Which is exactly the answer I was looking for.
- Rob.
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