On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Klaim - Joël Lamotte <mjklaim@gmail.com> wrote:
However the same change in a real code using WorkQueue internally and using similar code to the test 
makes the future::get() provide invalid pointers with values close to 0x000000 but not exactly.
This code then makes access violation as the pointers are obviously not valid.

Ok I found that my "real code" is actually buggy and indeed provide a wrong pointer (for a reason I'll have to hunt).
So don't bother, std::future/promise does work with my test and real code using WorkQueue/tbb::concurrent_queue
 but boost::future/promise doesnt.

I also simplified the test (and real) code for clarity, it should be equivalent to the code from my first post:

int TRUC = 42;
TEST( Test_WorkQueue, future_promise_shared_work )
WorkQueue work_queue;

auto do_some_work = [&]()-> std::future<int*>
auto promise = std::make_shared<std::promise<int*>>();
work_queue.push( [=]
promise->set_value( &TRUC );

return promise->get_future();

auto ft_value = do_some_work();


auto value = ft_value.get();
ASSERT_EQ( &TRUC, value );