thanks for the answer. I use VC Express 8.0 with boost 1.34, wave comes from the release as well. May be the problem is on my side. My main looks like:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { cmd_processor cmd(argc, argv); cmd.process(); }
I'ld suggest to add a special catch for the Wave exceptions here: catch(boost::wave::cpp_exception const& e) { // ... } This avoids to use dynamic_cast or other tricks.
catch(std::exception const& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << nl << nl; return 2; } catch(...) { std::cerr << "Unknown exception occured..." << std::endl; return 3; }
return 0; }
After the snippet specified I come into the case with std::execption and e.what() returns boost::wave::preprocessor.
Debugging through what()... I came into the class preprocess_exception and found additional methods, which give me more info. Unfortunately, I rely on the standard (std::exception) interface and don't like the idea of writing hundres of 'if's or 'else if's or doing many 'dynamic_cast's to distinguish exceptions. I believe that every exception should give me enough description by calling the what function. May be this is stupid... ;)
I hear your point! I tried to look around to get a feeling what other libraries do and it seems the information returned by Wave's exception::what() is not the best choice indeed (the standard is very vague here: essentially it says 'what() should return a implementation defined null terminated string'). What I'll do for the next verson of Wave (it's too late for Boost V1.34.1) is to change the exception class to return a string containing more complete descrption of the error (if you want to do something on your local copy for now, just change the preprocess_exception::what() function in cpp_exceptions.hpp to return description()). Regards Hartmut