Here is my problem.
I need to specify a callback function for use with OpenCV cvcam dll. I
modified OpenCV to accept a boost::function1 instead of a
simple void pointer to a function. The function is called by openCv on every
frame of a video stream.
Im trying to have the callback function member of a class e.g
Class A
void init()
boost::function1 Myfunct;
Myfunct = boost::bind(&A::Callback, this);
cvcamSetcallback(Myfunct); // OpenCV function to set the callback
void Start() { /* tell opencv to start grabbing frames and to call Callback
on every frame */ }
void Callback(IplImage* img) { /* process the image */ }
Its not like I want to directly call the callback function and use it like a
functor. I want OpenCv to call my member function.
When I try to compile this it give me: error C2091: function returns
function on a C++ .net compiler. Im really confused and I dont have a clue
about how to solve this.
Thanks in advance
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