I want to be able to create an array view on a subset of a multi_array(MA)’s dimensions.
So, say I have a MA of dimension M and I want to choose N (N <M) dimensions of it which I put on a boost::array.
Say, I want to keep the entire range for each dimension.
Is there a way to do this in a general fashion, i.e. w/out the use of the subscript operator on the indices object ?
The documentation mentions something like :
typedef boost::multi_array< double, 3 > Grid3D;
typedef Grid3D::size_type size_type;
typedef Grid3D::index index;
typedef Grid3D::index_range index_range;
typedef Grid3D::array_view<2>::type Slice2D;
index_range r1; //( 0, iMax);
index_range r3; //( 0, kMax);
Grid3D::index_gen indices;
Slice2D sliceJ2 = grid[indices
but this is not sufficient for a generic construction.
And also, what is the difference between array_view and subarray ?
Thank you very much in advance,