i have a boost::variant holding some C++ types which have to be inserted
into the database :
boost::variant dbColumnValueVar;
before i insert the value_type into the database
I need to call a processing function which is overloaded for every datatype
used in the variant
ie. each of these functions are defined
process ( int );
process ( std::string );
process ( double);
template <class T> process(T);
what i do not understand is how do i use apply_visitor or some other tactic
to automatically dispatch the call to the right process function
as in :
boost::variant dbColumnVar;
dbColumnVar = "hello world";
process ( dbColumnVar ); // should call process std::string ....but is
always calling the generic template version ??
dbColumnVar = 1.3434;
process ( dbColumnVar ); //again calls generic template not specialization
cout << dbColumnVar
is somehow able to get the correct overloaded << operator for the hidden
irrespective of datatype ??
Any help will be appreciated