Am 06.12.2013 00:48, schrieb Michael Chisholm:
On 12/5/2013 4:13 PM, David Georg Reichelt wrote:
I've got problems compiling a program using boost with CMake (using Windows and MinGW 4.7.2, with -G "MinGW Makefiles"). Boost is compiled normaly with b2.exe --toolset=gcc --prefix=C:\cppLib\boost_1_55_0 and the folder seems to contain the right files. The original CMake-File compiled fine using Ubuntu. I've got a code using only boost::log and a CMake File containing the following boost-related-code:
ADD_DEFINITIONS("-std=c++0x") SET(BOOST_ROOT "C:/cppLib/boost_1_55_0/") link_libraries (${Boost_LIBRARIES})
find_package( Boost 1.54.0 COMPONENTS log)
if(Boost_FOUND) MESSAGE("Boost found") include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(Hasselbrack ${AUTO_SOURCES}) endif()
Just a quick reaction: why do you link boost libraries before you know whether boost was found? Would it make more sense to move link_libraries() into the if(Boost_FOUND) block?
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Thanks for the advice, you're right, that makes more sense. I changed it, so link_libraries (${Boost_LIBRARIES}) is now in the if-block, but unfortunately, the output is not changed. DaGeRe