"A pathname that contains at least one non-slash character and that ends with one or more trailing slashes shall be resolved as if a single dot character ( '.' ) were appended to the pathname."
IIRC, Windows operates the same way
This means that a leaf path has a file extension. On directory's view this is not equal to the current dir notation.
Not sure I understand your point. Could you clarify with an example?
A "." means the current work directory as you know. This is what I would get if I pass a path like "a/" (obviously a path) to fs::extension. Further processing inside my application would result into a wrong directory even on concatenation on paths e.g. to find some settings related to system paths. Well, I'm not sure if this would be relevant in praxis (path concatenation) since I'm not interested in path extensions by this imo, isn't it? Finally, this question is: is fs::extension suitable with paths or even only with files? Do I have to ensure this on those test. Thanks, Olaf