Hi Line, It does - excellent advice ;-) Best Regards, Berit Løfstedt PhD. Student DTU Management Engineering, Operations Research Technical University of Denmark Department of Management Engineering Produktionstorvet, Bygning 426 2800 Kgs. Lyngby blof@man.dtu.dk mailto:blof@man.dtu.dk www.or.man.dtu.dk http://www.or.man.dtu.dk Line Blander Reinhardt wrote:
Hi Try using bidirectionalS instead (thats what I do for my directed graphs). Please tell me is it works. Best Line :-)
________________________________________ Fra: boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org [boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org] På vegne af Berit Løfstedt [blof@man.dtu.dk] Sendt: 30. juli 2010 15:24 Til: Boost-users@lists.boost.org Emne: [Boost-users] [Graph] Problems with in-edges for a user defined AdjacencyList
I am fairly new to boost and I have a problem using the in_edges(v, G) function.
I have defined a graph of type AdjacencyList: typedef adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, directedS, VertexProperties, EdgeProperties
The following code with m_current_network being a private class variable of type mcf_graph
void best_insertion::search() { vertex_descriptor v,u,w; edge_descriptor e; graph_traits
::in_edge_iterator in_e, in_end; graph_traits ::out_edge_iterator out_e, out_end; edge_index_map_t edge_indices=get ( edge_index, m_current_network ); edge_type_map_t edge_types= get(edge_type, m_current_network); capacity_map_t edge_capacities=get ( edge_capacity, m_current_network ); vector<int> indices; vector<int>::iterator it, it_end;
//select vertex v to reinsert
//find_edge_indices of vertex v for ( tie ( in_e, in_end ) = in_edges(v, m_current_network ); in_e != in_end; in_e++ ) { e=*in_e; indices.push_back ( edge_indices[e] );
for ( tie ( out_e, out_end ) = out_edges( v, m_current_network ); out_e != out_end; out_e++ ) { e=*out_e; indices.push_back ( edge_indices[e] ); }
produces the error: error: no matching function for call to ‘in_edges(vertex_descriptor&, mcf_graph&)’
The problem does not occur for out_edges. From the examples I have seen AdjacencyList should support both functions. Can anybody explain to me why in_edges do not work for this example?
-- Best Regards,
Berit Løfstedt
PhD. Student
DTU Management Engineering, Operations Research
Technical University of Denmark [cid:part1.00040703.07070304@man.dtu.dk]
Department of Management Engineering Produktionstorvet, Bygning 426 2800 Kgs. Lyngby blof@man.dtu.dkmailto:blof@man.dtu.dk www.or.man.dtu.dkhttp://www.or.man.dtu.dk
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