"Noel Belcourt"
Let me see if I understand this.
So if I want to perform an element-wise mpl::or operation of two sequences (r, p1) and then test the resulting sequence for equivalence to the input sequence, something like this should work since as you observe below, mpl::equal will compare two sequences and yield a scalar boolean.
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(( equal< r , transform
>::type ::type::value ));
Second, you seem to be trying to use the equal algorithm, which operates on sequences, on the results of some invocation of mpl::or_, which does not return a sequence but a scalar bool-valued MPL integral constant.
True, I was confused about this point. So I'll use transform to generate a sequence representing the element-wise binary operation and then use equal.
Great; good luck! -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com