c++filt _ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev virtual thunk to std::basic_ostream
Then I tried to run just this: #include <iostream>
int main (int arc, char** argv) { std::cout << "test"; }
... and it failed with the same error. However, if I remove from the project the unit test framework files, it runs fine.
I am using libstdc++.a. I don't understand what is happening.
Why when I add the unit test framework code it doesn't find the standard
So do I. library ~basic_ostream() anymore ? Most probably looks like compiler bug
It seems these last 5 years doing only Java got me really rusty with C++ (I'd rather work with C++ but the market forced me to go to Java).
I don't think 'last 5 years doing only Java' has anything to do with this. Let's try couple more thigs: 1. Could you locate where this undefined symbol referenced from? 2. Could you build framework as a standalone library and link with it? Gennadiy