Hello, I have question about using Boost. I'm trying to using boost in clr class of Visual Studito 2022 When I build the project, I got following error Error C1189 #error: "This library now requires a C++11 or later compiler - this message was generated as a result of BOOST_NO_CXX11_REF_QUALIFIERS being set" ClassLibrary2 C:\Users\bussly\source\repos\ClassLibrary2\packages\boost.1.84.0\lib\native\include\boost\multiprecision\detail\check_cpp11_config.hpp 34 Error (active) E0035 #error directive: "This library now requires a C++11 or later compiler - this message was generated as a result of BOOST_NO_CXX11_REF_QUALIFIERS being set" ClassLibrary2 C:\Users\bussly\source\repos\ClassLibrary2\packages\boost.1.84.0\lib\native\include\boost\multiprecision\detail\check_cpp11_config.hpp 58 Even I didn't make any code, just add an include boost header. Following is the scenario of what I did - Visual Studio 2022 - Create new project -> CLR Class Library(.Net Framework) - Install NuGet Package -> boost 1.84.0 - Add include boost -> #include "boost/geometry.hpp" - Build solution - Error and following is properties of my project - Platform Toolset: Visual Studio 2022(v143) - C++ Language Standard: ISO C++ 20 Standard(/std:c++20) - C Language Standard: Default(Legacy MSVC) I tried with C++ 14 and C++ 17 also, but failed. Can I get any solution for this? Thank you.