Does Phoenix support conditional expression? I know if supports if_
*statements* but it seems that there's is no conditional (expression*.
The question what is is the equivalent for
in general. For example, I tryed with if_[].else_[] hoping that the
statement is used as result but with no luck:
using namespace boost::phoenix;
using namespace boost::phoenix::arg_names;
int main(){
std::clog << (arg1*arg1)(2.) << std::endl; //returns correctly 4
std::clog <<
<< std::endl; //syntax error
return 0;
The syntax error points that the expression fails to evaluate as a
number. Any ideas? -- Thanks, Alfredo
usr/include/boost/proto/operators.hpp:79:9: error: forming reference
to void
if.cpp:8:43: error: no match for ‘operator<<’ in ‘std::clog <<
boost::phoenix::if_ [with Cond =