Zachary Turner wrote:
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Etienne Philip Pretorius
wrote: Michael Caisse wrote:
Hi Etienne -
Etienne Philip Pretorius wrote:
Hello list,
Could someone please shed some light on this subject. It seems that me read handler keeps on being called even when there has been no data transferred...
switch(error.value()) { case boost::system::posix_error::success: { c = new client();
socket.async_receive( boost::asio::buffer( buffer ),boost::bind( &client::handle_read, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred ) );
Try changing this to use socket.async_read_some instead of async_receive.
Regards - michael
:D, just tried it - still no luck. I am invesigating if I am calling the buffer correctly. It seems that after the call to async_receive/async_read_some that there is still data pending for me to read... IE I never seem to get the data placed inside the std::vector correctly.
Are you saying that the handler is constantly getting called with bytes_transferred = 0?
What is contained inside your buffer object? If your buffer has a size of 0, then this seems like it would cause the problem.
yip, it has a size of 0. I hoped that the async receive would just increase the size of the vector as it puts the contents into it, but that is not happening.
Also, do you mean that for a single invocation of async_receive(), the handler is getting called multiple times? Or that for each call to async_receive, the handler gets called once with bytes_transferred=0? Is there an error code? The handler gets called once per invocation with bytes_transferred = 0 and error.value() = 0.
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