Hello all,

I am a new user to boost. I am currently using the serialization library to save my data structures to a file. However, I am currently running into a few issues. At first, I was getting a lot of undefined errors. After reading on multiple forums, I realized that I forgot to link the serialization library to the project. Once done, all of the errors went away. Except for one.

I am getting this error:

/usr/local/boost_1_64_0/boost/serialization/throw_exception.hpp:36: undefined reference to `boost::archive::archive_exception::archive_exception(boost::archive::archive_exception const&)'
I have been spinng my head around this for a few days. Did I forget to add in another referene somewhere? My code is setup in the same manner as the simple tutorial found on the boost::serialization page. This error only pops up when I have the line: 

boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs);

When I have this line commented out, I do not get the above error. Again, I am wondering if I forgot to reference something in my program but I am not sure.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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