I have modified the astar-cities.cpp example to use an external rank_map based
on iterator_property_map.
The following should give you an idea:
vector<cost> v_vec(num_vertices(g), 0.0);
typedef property_map< mygraph_t, vertex_index_t>::type VertexIndexMap;
VertexIndexMap v_index = get(vertex_index, g); // Initialization of interest
// Create the external property map
typedef iterator_property_map< std::vector< cost >::iterator, VertexIndexMap
CostMap c_map(v_vec.begin(), v_index);
and the function-call of astar_search is as follows:
(g, start,
(locations, goal, name),
rank_map(c_map)); // Here we use the "global" cost map
Basically, the code is the same as in the example, with only the addition of
the explicit rank_map.
Now I am fairly confused that the function call seems to behave the same if I
have "get(vertex_index, g)" and if I don't have it.
This comes unexpected to me as I would think that it needs OffsetMap (v_index)
to correctly find the index in the random access container (v_vec). But when I
simply declare an object it is not yet initialized and will not contain any
meaningfull offsets (not using "get(vertex_index, g)").
So why does it work, when the map is not initialized? Or what am I missing
here please?