Hi, I am new to uBLAS. I am looking to see if it will be useful for my application (I develop 6-Degrees-of-freedom flight simulations used to analyze avionics systems.) I have benchmarked a few lines of code with RogueWave's Math.h++ (testing for execution speed) and made the following observation. Observation 1) For matrix products of two small (~3-by-3) matrices ( i.e., prod(smallMat1, smallMat2) ) uBLAS executes MUCH FASTER than Math.h++. Observation 2) For matrix produces of two large matrices (100 by 100) uBLAS and Math.h++ give similar execuation speed. Obervation 3) (This is the kicker...) for strung-together matrix products like "Mat1 * Mat2 * Mat3 * Mat4 * Mat5", which I am implementing as "prod(Mat1, prod(Mat2, prod( Mat3, prod(Mat4,Mat5) ) ) ) Math.h++ is MUCH MUCH FASTER than uBLAS. -- by ~2 orders OF MAGNITUDE! I believe that this is a characteristic of the scalability of template expressions. My question is this: Is there a way I an instruct uBLAS not to use template expressions when for strung-together matrix products? Regards, Walt