Hi, I'm considering using boost::serialization but have a few questions which I would love to get answered. 1) In the overview section performance is nowhere to be seen as a goal, which for my use case is very important. If I were to use the binary archive, how well would it perform in comparsion to a hand crafted optimized serialization aproach? I've seen in the examples that strings seems to be used to identify data, won't this create a large overhead for both deserilzation and storage? 2) I saw the thread about the reason for boost::any not being serializable. But I don't really care about portability, so in that case, is it possible to implement a non intrusive serialization aproach to boost::any? Would really appreciate some little snippet for that if that is the case. If that's not possible my last option would naturally be to make an intrusive implementation, I see no obvious aproach here since I can't make a virtual template function, so I'm kind of hoping someone could push me in the right direction if it comes to this. Besides this I can only say that the library have a very slick interface and I really dig the design :) // Sebastian Karlsson