On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 7:09 AM, alex
Jeremiah Willcock gave a good description of how this could work:
The way he describes it is really using coroutines instead of the visitor pattern.
My example in previous mail only forwards a single visitor event, as described in the original problem statement. If you wanted to pass additional dijkstra_shortest_path() visitor events through the inversion of control, you could use an approach similar to the recursive SAX parsing example. That's what I think you're citing from Jeremiah's linked mail.
I think there are two options: 1. Let your visitor throw an exception to get out of the dijkstra shortest path function; use some version of the function that skips initialization to resume again (the existing dijkstra_shortest_path_no_init is not good enough, so you would have to make one).
Possible, but yes, you would have to reimplement the algorithm to pursue this approach.
2. Reimplement the dijkstra function as a coroutine.
Fortunately this is not necessary, as shown in previous mail. You can simply call dijkstra_shortest_paths() in a coroutine.
I have implemented both, but have only really used option 1; whereas option 2 remained a toy experiment. In both cases the tricky part was to properly initialize and keep track of(and not re-initialize on resume) all parameters that are input to the dijkstra function, i.e. color_map, queue, distance_map, etc.
Using a real coroutine makes that problem go away entirely. To the dijkstra_shortest_paths() algorithm running in a coroutine, the operation of passing each examined vertex to the consuming program simply looks like a function call. All existing state is preserved. Each time it returns from that function call, it resumes as it would with any ordinary visitor.
I used the lightweight stackless coroutine of Boost ASIO.
Aha! That would indeed cause you the troubles you describe. This is the great benefit of using *stackful* coroutines a la Boost.Coroutine: you can run a recursive algorithm on one stack, completely independently of the control flow on another stack.
The control flow I need would probably look like this: start the first Dijkstra search, on its first vertex it visits, "jump back out" and start the second Dijkstra visitor. From there on ping-pong between the two visitors exclusively. And I'm not sure this is possible with the Coroutine approach.
It depends how much you are willing to re-implement. It is possible in principle
It is possible in practice, without any reimplementation at all, as shown in previous mail.