On Mon, 06 May 2013 11:34:36 +0200, Svetlana Olonetsky
Stack looks in release: boost::__N_32_libs_thread_src_win32_thread_cpp_f66b8662::run_thread_exit_callbacks() + 0x139 bytes boost::__N_32_libs_thread_src_win32_thread_cpp_f66b8662::thread_start_function() + 0x833 bytes boost::__N_32_libs_thread_src_win32_thread_cpp_f66b8662::ThreadProxy() + 0x36 bytes
I tried both 1.52/1.53. Is there some specific version that should I try ?
Thank you, Svetlana
I guess you have to analyze the issue yourself :( Try to look at disassembly, attempt to correspond it to the source line, try to realize what may be wrong with it. You should as well report the issue to Intel, maybe the compiler is optimizing the code too aggressively or there is an issue with tls implementation. Maybe try to build the boost with msvc and your test program with icc, or vice-versa to narrow down the search area. As a workaround you may try to check if the thread is joinable before calling join: if (thread_1.joinable()) thread_1.join(); Maybe it'll help, but I'd really suggest to analyze the problem anyway. There is a bug to find and fix. -- Slava