Hi, Can you explain Is it posibly to use timeouts if multiple threads are calling io_service::run() on the single io_service object? Thanks On Tuesday 04 December 2007 12:19:36 Andrea Bartoli wrote:
Use an asio::deadline_timer
asio::io_service m_ioService; asio::deadline_timer * m_timer; m_timer = new asio::deadline_timer(m_ioService);
m_timer->expires_from_now( boost::posix_time::seconds(t) ); m_timer->async_wait( boost::bind(&Foo:handle_timeout, this, asio::placeholders::error) ); asio::async_read( *m_socket, asio::buffer( m_msg.header(), m_msg.header_length() ), boost::bind(&Foo::handle_read_header, this, asio::placeholders::error) );
This is a cut and paste from my code, if it isn't so clear I'll explain deeply. Tks -- Wbr, Nikita